Monday, October 17, 2011

Twenty Things Every Publicist Should Know How to Do

  1. Grab a reporter or blogger’s attention with words.
  2. Email a three-line pitch.
  3. Use social media monitoring tools.
  4. Pitch, arrange, and attend an interview for a client.
  5. Stand up for a client or reporter in a firm yet polite way.
  6. Generate valuable content on a regular basis.
  7. Coach your client or executives on interview techniques.
  8. Train top management in crisis communications.
  9. Use a hand-held camera.
  10. Ask good questions.
  11. Collaborate with others.
  12. Use traditional and social media press releases.
  13. Use keywords, links, and SEO to give your press release legs.
  14. Decipher analytics.
  15. Listen to a speech, podcast, webinar, or press conference for essential components.
  16. Repurpose content.
  17. Build an online newsroom.
  18. Create the subject line of an email pitch in fewer than eight words.
  19. Follow chats, forums, and lists to build relationships with reporters and bloggers.
  20. Write and upload a blog post.

Source: Ragan’s PR Daily

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