Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Create a Digital Strategy

Source. Marie Claire
At the Style Source Group we advocate the development of an online presence and encourage the implementation of an effective digital strategy. A sound digital strategy can be quite cost-effective and is especially helpful for small and emerging businesses with limited resources.

Here are a few quick tips to help you develop a winning digital strategy.
STEP 1: Define your goals. Cite what you'd like your digital strategy to achieve in a way that is specific and measurable. 
STEP 2: Assess + Brainstorm. Take some time to define your target audience, to construct the message you'd like to share with them, and to select the tools that will enable you to reach them. 
STEP 3: Develop your strategy. Create an engagement calendar outlining in detail how you will reach your goals. Be sure to Include any and all actions to be taken, tools to be used, key deadlines, messaging options, and points of contact. Maintenance and evaluation days are also very helpful. 
STEP 4: Implement your strategy. Now's the time to put your strategy to work and to engage your audience. Consistency and authenticity are essential. 
STEP 5: Evaluate your strategy. Evaluating how your strategy performs (or doesn't perform) could help you deliver better results in the future so be honest regarding your effectiveness and make adjusts where necessary.
Want more ideas? Contact us to schedule a complimentary branding consultation.

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